AnthroDesk Blog

How Poor Organization Skills Can Affect Your Pr...

Employers consider organization skills as one of the top skills every employee should have. These skills can also be learned as they work in the co...

Common Mistakes Why Workers Fail to Achieve Pro...

We all want to become productive in everything we do. However, there are instances that no matter how we strive to accomplish a lot of tasks, we st...

Top Productivity Techniques You can Try with Yo...


10 Tips on How to Be Productive at Work During ...

Stay at home. Social distancing. Covid-19 pandemic. Quarantine. These words are just some of the common terms that keep lingering on our minds due ...

12 Key Elements to Shifting Your Mindset Into P...

There are times when we seem too busy and overwhelmed with our work, we become focused on negativity. We forgot to look at the brighter side and th...