Warning Signs of Office Burnout and How to Deal With It

Everyone wants to excel in their chosen fields of jobs. However, due to some factors such as stress and miscommunication, the aim of becoming productive is hindered.

Some employees experience burnout, which affects the quality of the performance to their jobs. That is why it is essential to recognize the warning signs of office burnout and learn how to deal with it.


What Is Burnout?

The World Health Organization defines burnout as a ‘state of vital exhaustion’ or a ‘syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that is not yet successfully managed’.

The WHO also points out that burnout is specifically work-related. Burnout is characterized by the following:

  • Decreased effectiveness and performance at work
  • Negativity at work
  • Exhaustion, or sense of depletion

According to some other experts, burnout occurs when the demands required on you exceed the resources available.


Common Signs of Workplace Burnout

Various experts and studies come up with multiple symptoms of office burnout. The following are the most common signs of burnout every member of the organization must be aware of:

#1 Exhaustion. One of the main signs is exhaustion. When an employee feels tired all the time in the workplace, it’s a clear sign of burnout. Fatigue can be seen through mental, physical, and emotional aspects. Often, employees experiencing burnout feel the sense of having a lack of energy and always lethargic.

#2 Dropping Job Performance. Another sign is the dropping job performance from the previous ones. When an employee experiences burnout, the energy to do a task is lowered. It affects the overall performance in the office.

#3 Lack of Motivation. When an employee lacks the motivation to perform well, the quality of the work will be put at risk. When an employee often complains rather than find solutions to a problem, then something can be missing. Every member of the workplace must always have the boost of motivation to keep going with their jobs.

#4 Frustration and Negative Emotions. There may be times when employees feel that the work they are doing does not matter anymore. They become more pessimistic rather than thinking positively. Burnout can be present when employees often get frustrated towards their work results.

#5 Chronic Stress. Stress is another manifestation of burnout in the workplace. Lack of concentration, confusion, and low comprehension ma be noticeable, too. Our brain and body are designed to be able to handle some problems. However, when stress becomes chronic, there can be difficulty in paying attention and giving a proper solution to the issues.

#6 Being Preoccupied even when not in work. When employees continue to spend mental energy over a job even after office hours, the level of stress may increase. There should be proper time management to be able to fulfill all office tasks and then have time for relaxation.

#7 Conflicting Problems at Work and Home. When employees are starting to have unhealthy arguments with their co-workers, there can be signs of burnout in the office. People may feel irritable and impatient due to conflicting issues at home and in the workplace.

#8 Health Issues. Burnout can be noticeable as well to people who are experiencing chronic stress. This leads to health issues such as weight problems, heart diseases, depression, stroke, and digestive problems.

#9 Unhealthy Lifestyle. When people are experiencing burnout, they tend to engage in an unhealthy lifestyle. They can do activities such as smoking, drinking too much, unhealthy eating, being too sedentary, and failure to get enough sleep.

#10 Decreased Satisfaction in Life. Burnout can be noticed in people who are less happy in life and career. When they feel that they’re no longer a value to the society, they often question their abilities and achievements. When satisfaction is not achieved, there comes anxiety and doubts.


How To Deal With Office Burnout?

Once the signs of office burnout are recognized, then the following are some tips that may help to handle it.

#1 Learn to relax. Relaxation can be one of the most effective ways to handle burnout. You can do meditation, read a book, talk to friends, listen to music,  and take a walk. Take time to relax and give yourself time for good and productive break time.

#2 Get Enough Sleep. Studies revealed that getting enough sleep is an effective way to eliminate burnout. Lack of sleep can lead to poor concentration, fatigue, and burnout. It can also decrease job performance. When that happens, you may become susceptible to creating more and have risks of adverse health effects.

#3 Cultivate Things You’re Passionate At. Find an activity that is outside your work and will bring out fun and joy. You can do hobbies and sports which are engaging, challenging or something that can unleash more of your potentials. Too much work can cause burnout, so to unwind and to give time for yourself will be significant decisions.

#4 Be more organized. People who are burnt out, often worry and forget some tasks to get completed. That’s why it’s crucial to get more organized to be able to do tasks accurately and efficiently. Create a to-do list, avoid procrastination, set reminders, and do prioritizing.

#5 Travel. Try to unplug from social networking sites and other technology applications. They can add to your stress. Instead, go for a vacation, travel with your family members, and engage with social activities.

#6 Live a balanced lifestyle. It’s crucial to create a balanced lifestyle to avoid too much stress. Stress can be the cause of health conditions such as headaches, stiff neck, stomach upset, and other burnout effects. In case they are struggling with some severe health conditions due to stress, professional help must be sought.

#7 Create open communication in the workplace. Consider open communication with employers in case there are issues related to burnout. Be more positive in the workplace to motivate other employees as well. When there is miscommunication, other problems may arise. Employers must implement rules and regulations to promote better communication in the office. On the other hand, employees and other members of the organization must be open to being aware of and understand those rules and regulations.


There are warning signs of burnout in the workplace. It will be helpful if both employers and employees must be able to understand and apply the tips on how to handle it. Once burnout is dealt with and solved, productivity and success in the workplace will be promoted.